Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Introduction to HTML

If you are just starting out in cyberspace alias beginner (newbie) and interested to learn HTML to create your own website then you are not wrong to come to this blog, because here you will find tutorials, tips, tricks and articles about how to learn HTML to create a website.
On the Internet we might actually get a lot of templates both free and paid, but sometimes not to your liking (optional) us. Then we need to edit and do perubaha-change. In the edit and make changes that we must know and understand the language of HTML.

In this blog you will get to learn HTML tutorial is accompanied with examples ranging from the base, so it will be easy to understand and very suitable for those of you who are beginners. And for those of you who edit or create a web page can go to the following pages according to the topic you want.
To learn HTML you can use a program such as MS FrontPage, Dreamweaver or a text editor (Notepad), according to your individual taste. But for this tutorial will be taught by using a simple text editor ie Notepad, if you want a more interactive text editor you can use Notepad + +.
In learning you should immediately practice in your HTML program, so it will be easier to understand, you type or copy / paste HTML examples in its program and preview your HTML in a browser to see the results.

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